Things are hoppin’ at Playland-Not-at-the-Beach in October! There’s too much to describe it all here, so just go right now to http://www.playland-not-at-the-beach.org/calendar_01.html
for the whole scoop!
Of special note, however, is the event this Saturday at Playland presented by our own ACE members, the Laschkewitsch family:
Saturday, 9 October
Learn to Discover — Robots, Robots, Robots
On Saturday only, October 9th, a local nonprofit named Learn to
Discover will be on hand to show kids cool things robots can do,
including playing Sumo, following lines, “dancing”, and more. They will
display robots built with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT, and show kits offered by Parallax, Vex Robotics, and others. Visitors will be given an
opportunity to remotely control the robots, as well as learn about how
to program them to run by themselves.
Learn To Discover, a nonprofit corporation, offers technology classes
for kids from pre-school through high school and beyond. They have
developed over 50 courses in areas including robotics, simple machines, computer programming (PC, MAC, XBOX and Android-based smartphones), electronics, animation (2D, 3D and clay), roller coaster & theme park design, forensic science, innovation, career simulations, environmental stewardship, digital arts, and much more. STEM is their passion.
Check out their website, give them a call at (800) 527-3582, or drop them an e-mail.
We are thrilled to feature their debut at Playland-Not-at-the-Beach!
Don’t miss this fun event!
Playland-Not-at-the-Beach nonprofit Museum of Fun, open to the public every Sat, Sun and school holiday. Open evenings for private events 365 days a year. 10979 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 (510) 592-3002. http://www.playland-not-at-the-beach.org . Admission $10 for kids (to 13), $10 for seniors (55 and up), and $15 for general admission. Admission includes 34 free pinball machines, penny arcades, carnival games, treasure hunts, miniature dioramas, and surprises around every corner. ACE members receive a $5.00 discount on admission upon presentation of their ACE membership cards.
— Thanks go to Frank Biafore for contributing this article.
web site: http://www.playland-not-at-the-beach.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Playland-Not-At-The-Beach/99162687027